QR Codes in the Classroom

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our Special Visitor

Addison reading a book to us! She did a great job!

Mrs. Jennifer sharing with us all the things that Addison can do and all about their family.

Mrs. Jennifer showing Addison her favorite book, Max and Ruby.

Mrs. Jennifer showed us how hard it is for us to zip up a coat if we have socks on our hands. This is how it feels if our hand muscles have a hard time working. Anecia was getting hot! :) LOL!

We enjoyed our visit from Jennifer Cross today, Addison's mom. The students loved listening to Mrs. Jennifer tell us about their family, how Emma Claire is in the 3rd grade but use to be in Mrs. Magee's kindergarten class and how Mr. Chris has no hair! :) LOL! She shared with the class about how we are all different in many ways, but how we are the same in many ways too! She helped reinforce how we are all here to be friends to one another and help each other when we are having trouble doing something! Thank you Mrs. Jennifer for sharing such a special story and such a sweet little girl with us! :)

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