QR Codes in the Classroom

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dance Off between Caleb and Alexavier

My precious Caleb and Alexavier sure can dance! It looked like they were having a dance off. Look for more videos from the pep rally! We have another really good dance video starring Miss Ay'Kayln!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Our first official class picture

Ms. Magee's Kindergarten Class 2011-2012
We finally got a picture of our class all together! Look at all the funny faces! I love each one of those cute and funny faces too! :)


Just a cute picture of how much we all LOVE ice cream day! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So Sleepy

My sweet little Antoniel was so sleepy that he fell asleep sitting straight up! This is a really funny video, but it also shows what happens when we don't let our kindergarten friends take a nap.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Kilby's Cool Hair

Everyone LOVED Kilby's new hair style this morning. Dylan got to add a fish to the bucket this morning for saying, "Kilby, I like your new hair."

Our First Bucket Filler Reward

We earned our first Bucket Filler reward today! The kids have worked so hard to be "Bucket Fillers" NOT "Bucket Dippers" We earned our last fish when Addison said, "Good job Tatum" after Tatum helped Ms. Jones turn the pages of the big book. Their reward was working "barefoot" during station time today! :) We are now working on our next "Bucket Filler" reward.

Bucket Filler Reward

We earned our first "Bucket Filler" reward today. The kids have worked really hard to try to be a "bucket filler" Addison added the last fish today when she said, "Good job Tatum" After Tatum helped Ms. Jones hold the big book. Our reward was to take off our shoes and work "barefoot" during station time! They loved it and I hope you LOVE our pictures. We are now working on our next "bucket filler" reward! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Graphic Organizers in Math

One of the things we do in math is "Question of the Day". We use different types of graphic organizers to collect data and information about all sorts of topics. Today we used a "T" chart or 2 column graph and a one circle Venn Diagram to see how many boys and girls we have in the class. Both organizers showed us the same thing just in a different way. Our graphs show that we have 10 boys and 7 girls. We have more boys than girls and less girls than boys. 17 friends in all answered the question today. :) Enjoy our pictures.

The Little School Bus Play Group 1

We performed a play to go along with our story this week, The Little School Bus. We hope you enjoy the video. There are 2 groups so be sure to watch both to see/find your child. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Little School Bus

The Elephant group completed a sequencing activity. They put the animals in order of how they got on the school bus.
The Giraffe Group did the same activity just in a different format. The kids drew the pictures on this graphic organizer.

The Hippo group discussed different ways to travel and used a web as their graphic organizer.

Ms. Jones enjoyed doing extended activities during stations to go along with our story for the week, The Little School Bus. The kids worked on squencing and one group completed a web on ways to travel. :) Enjoy the completed group work pictures.

Kissing Hands for Special Helpers

The kids enjoying their "Kissing Hand" cookies.
Mr. Jim one of our building helpers. He said the cookie was REALLY good!

Anecia giving our librarian, Mrs. Stephens a cookie.

Our special office staff, Mrs. Key and Mrs. Sterling. We love you!

The first day of school we read a special story called The Kissing Hand. A sweet story about Chester the raccoon and his first day of school. A big thank you to Jennifer Cross for making our "Kissing Hand" cookies. We had so many extra that we decided to share with all the support staff in the building that helped us make it through our first week in kindergarten. We could not have done it without them! :) We put a special thank you sticker on each ziploc bag. This was also a way for us to visit the entire school and meet all of our school helpers! :) When we returned to the classroom we all enjoyed OUR cookie! Enjoy the pictures from our school tour.

King and Queen of the Jungle Tab

Check out our first "Queen's of the Jungle" Ms. Magee and Ms. Jones. (We will have Ms. Jones' info. up soon) Please see the "All About Me" poster sample so you will know how to decorate it for your child. I will pick a King and Queen and send the poster home on Monday. It is due the next Monday. You have 7 days to decorate and add pictures to the poster. ENJOY! Next week Hailey Mooney and Brody Latham will be our first student King and Queen! :) CLICK ON THE KING AND QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE TAB ABOVE! :) This is just a post to make you aware of the tab and show sample of the poster.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thank YOU!

Just a quick thank you to the parents that have bought supplies for our classroom! Whether off the school wish list or our classroom wish list! :) All items are greatly appreciated!

Thank you from Ms. Magee and friends!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our Special Visitor

Addison reading a book to us! She did a great job!

Mrs. Jennifer sharing with us all the things that Addison can do and all about their family.

Mrs. Jennifer showing Addison her favorite book, Max and Ruby.

Mrs. Jennifer showed us how hard it is for us to zip up a coat if we have socks on our hands. This is how it feels if our hand muscles have a hard time working. Anecia was getting hot! :) LOL!

We enjoyed our visit from Jennifer Cross today, Addison's mom. The students loved listening to Mrs. Jennifer tell us about their family, how Emma Claire is in the 3rd grade but use to be in Mrs. Magee's kindergarten class and how Mr. Chris has no hair! :) LOL! She shared with the class about how we are all different in many ways, but how we are the same in many ways too! She helped reinforce how we are all here to be friends to one another and help each other when we are having trouble doing something! Thank you Mrs. Jennifer for sharing such a special story and such a sweet little girl with us! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Jungle Chatter"

Check out the "Jungle Chatter" tab above to see 2 funny stories from today! This is where I record funny things the kids say or do! Of course it is much funnier when I tell them in person! :) Our stories today come for our friends Kilby and Jackson! :)

Student Engagement Tab

Kilby enjoying his time in the computer lab!
Check out the Student Engagement Tab above to see new pictures of the activities the kids participated in today. ENJOY!

"Tooty Ta"

This is our first video of the new school year! Enjoy watching the kids perform the "Tooty Ta"

Monday, August 8, 2011

We had a great first day of kindergarten. Check out the tab Jungle Jammers to see our new friends! We hope to have a class picture posted by tomorrow. Until then I thought I would share a picture of me and my boys before we left for school this morning. Jess was still in the bed! She starts college in a few days.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Parent Orientation 2011

Parent Orientation was a huge success! ALL of my parents attended and they were so polite as Mrs. Nelson shared information with the group and then as I shared all about kindergarten. I am so excited about this school year! I can't wait to get to know each and every child.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome to a new school year!
