QR Codes in the Classroom

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer 2010

Summer 2010...God is good! Everything happens in God's time. Two statements that were very hard for me to utter at the start of this summer. The summer started out SLOW and I came to HATE the word TOMORROW! But as I look back on those first 2 weeks I can see ALL the lessons and all the blessings He was giving. At first I could just see the financial gain for 2 months. That was a HUGE blessing for the kids and I, but little did I know that was just the beginning of all the blessings He had in store! :) Second He showed me that tomorrow is not always promised! Live today as if it was your last and enjoy the now and what He has blessed me with already! Third He puts people in your life for a good reason. I have told many people that God will have to put a man in front of me and yell from Heaven, "This is the one!" Well, He did that LOUD AND CLEAR over the past year and especially those first 2 weeks of summer. The problem, I was scared and did not want to listen or hear what He was telling me. I'm so glad I did not in Terry's words, "Kick him to the curb." Everyone deserves a chance and I am so thankful God was patient with me and showed me that He will take care of me as long as I trust in Him! I am thankful to have Terry Davis in my life! He is a God send! We are both thrilled to be in a trusting, Christian relationship that is full of fun and exciting new adventures. We are in no hurry to rush anything and we want God to lead us in everything we do! :) He also showed me just how special and supporting my family is to me! My kids are the BEST! Not just because they are my children, but because they really are the best! Hugs and kisses and "It will be okay mommy" and "Are you okay mommy", laying in the bed with me arms tightly around, and the list goes on and on! Jess, Aaron and Peyton I love you and praise God for giving me the greatest gifts in the world! And the last thing, even though there are many more that I have not even realized yet, but the last thing that I can give God all the glory for is showing me that we all make mistakes along the way! (with Pastor Mike and Terry's help) Don't regret what has happened, just go forward and realize that I am stronger because of those mistakes. Terry tells me all the time, "It's not a mistake if you learn from it." That makes a lot of sense to me. So this summer I chose to put my past behind me! Not to let anyone remind me of it and just know that God forgives and forgets!

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