QR Codes in the Classroom

Our Jungle News

WOW! What a great start to our school year.  We have learned so many good manners and how to be "Bucket Fillers" not "Bucket Dippers" We are finishing our 2nd story Fix-it Duck.  We performed a play with our book The Little School Bus last week.  We have created many art projects and they are hanging up in the classroom and out in the hallway.  We have learned that we have 17 friends in our class.  We have more boys than girls but more doesn't win everyday! We have a spinner and sometimes less wins! We are learning good table manners and how to be a good "Jungle Buddy" Check out the Jungle Buddy tab.  We are very pleased with how well the kids have adjusted and bonded together to build a family in our classroom!
Ms. Magee

It is hard to believe that August is over and September is here.  It has been a wonderful 4 weeks of school! This is the sweetest little bunch! Ms. Jones and I just adore them! Thank you for sharing your precious angels with us! Now for some Jungle News.  We experienced our first pep rally of the school year with the High School band, football players and cheerleaders.  We came back and drew yellow jackets after a quick lesson from Ms. Jones.  *See samples above.  We had doughnuts this past Thursday to go along with our "Amazing Word" bakery.  Just a little treat from Ms. Magee.  Our last 2 stories have been Plaidypus Lost and Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten.  In science we are studying about trees.  Ask your child to name the parts of the tree. Be sure to click on the science tab to see pictures of our study.  We also planted pumpkin seeds in the outdoor classroom! We will watch those grow over the next few weeks.  In math we found out we have more Alabama Fans in our room than Auburn and that more friends have older brothers or sisters. Ask your child how many friends we have in our classroom and if we have more boys or girls?  We are also learning to sort buttons and shapes. We are ready to enjoy our 3 day weekend! :)

We have many new and amazing things happening in our classroom! As you read all the post, watch all the videos and see all the pictures you can tell we are very busy everyday in our classroom! We are so excited about our Sound Muncher activities and station.  We are also working on special activities each week to go along with our Letter of the Week.  This week is Aa week.  We are making "Apple Smiles", graphing our favorite kind of apple, taste testing Apple Juice and Apple Cider and many more fun and exciting apple activities.  In Science we are learning how an apple becomes an apple.  We have started using Ipads in the classroom this week.  We are using them in small group but hope to do some neat activities in our large group in the mornings.  We use them during reading, math and science times.  Be sure to check back every week on our blog to see all the fun things we are doing! :)

We have been so busy that our blog has suffered! We are well on our way to benchmarking on all 8 kindergarten assessments.  I have met with all our parents! Thank you so much for attending your conference.  We have learned many new letter sounds and we are diving deep into patterning in math.  In science we will continue with trees all year and we started a new unit called Balls and Ramps.  Ask the kids about all the fun activities we are doing with balls.  We enjoyed our Trick or Treating the classrooms and this week we will continue our Social Studies unit on Pilgrims, Indians and Thanksgiving.  We dressed as Little Indians today and had Thanksgiving dinner with our Pilgrim friends. Tomorrow we will be the Pilgrim friends. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and a much needed break.  Then we will dive into Christmas and all the FUN activities that go along with the holidays.  We have about 2 weeks until our winter benchmark testing.  I hope everyone is working VERY hard at home on naming letters and sounds daily! :) We can tell who is working and who is NOT! :(
Happy Thanksgiving! May God Bless You and Your family!
Love Ms. Magee, Ms. Jones and Mrs. Ingram